Thanks, Chair.
Before I get to the substance of this, I emailed you, Chair, previously raising concern around just the communication with members of this committee about extended time. We all have schedules, and I'm fine to take the time when I know I have the time and notice is given. However, if the normal practice here is to, at the last minute, call an audible...then you have to treat us with some basic respect and communicate to us as members that this is going to happen. That is why notices are sent, Chair, and again, I'm just looking for basic respect across the aisle.
Now, substantively, Mr. Perkins suggested that I'm new to this. Well, I'm new to this. If there's proper corruption—there's evidence that that corruption is criminal wrongdoing—let's collectively get to the bottom of this across the aisle. Of course, let's do that. However, when Mr. Perkins says, well, the RCMP has opened an investigation, then I go and look into that claim. What do I read? I read a statement from the RCMP that says, “The RCMP has concluded that the available reports do not identify any criminal offences or evidence of criminal wrongdoing at this time”.
On the one hand, okay, I'm told there's an active investigation and I should take this seriously. Then I go and read what the RCMP have actually said, and they're saying the very same thing that I was saying at the outset, which Mr. Perkins was trying to contradict.
Again, if we're going to work together to get to the bottom of something, let's come at it with some semblance of good faith. For example, I just sat for two hours of a witness being berated, a witness who does not have any conflicts. This is a witness who is new to this, who is coming to help us solve this problem, not someone who was involved in the creation of the problem. We're berating her and treating her this like it's A Few Good Men, because she doesn't know the answers to the NRC and what the NRC is going to do with the file when it's transitioned ultimately to them. It's absurd.
Either we deal with this in a sensible, reasonable, thoughtful way or we deal with it like apparently we intend to deal with it, as I just watched for the last two hours. Yes, the witness could absolutely have been clearer. If a project is ineligible, what is going to happen with it? There are categories here where ineligibility, conflicts.... There are certain categories where we should have full disclosure of how the board intends to deal with these things. However, we could have a thoughtful, reasonable discussion with someone who wasn't part of the problem, and we could actively try to solve it together instead of berating them in the most inappropriate way.
Now, as for this particular motion, I have no real objection to this other than that I would love to know why we're not hearing from.... I think we already have Andrée‑Lise Méthot on the witness list. I would have no objection to this, but for that it appears to be a fishing expedition. I don't have any evidence in front of me that Guilbeault has done anything untoward. I don't have any evidence in front of me to suggest that he's done anything wrong.
I'm fine. If we're in the business of a fishing expeditions, so be it, but it would make a lot more sense to me if we were dealing with this in a more thoughtful way. Bring the witness Andrée‑Lise Méthot, who I understand is already on the witness list. See what she has to say about her actions as a board member, but also vis‑à‑vis Cycle Capital investments, and if anything comes up that would suggest that the minister should be involved in our investigation and our committee meetings, then so be it. However, do we have any evidence in front of us at all that the minister has had a say and directed this arm's-length organization to make decisions? Do we have any evidence of any conversations between the minister and board members in relation to Cycle Capital investments and the decision-making in relation to distributing funds?
Again, let's get to the bottom of things. However, if it's a bad-faith fishing expedition, let's call it what it is, because that's what this looks like to me. If we want to get to the bottom of this, let's hear from the witness who was the board member, who has a beneficial interest in Cycle Capital investments. Let's get to the bottom of that first.