Normally it would be the corporate counsel who would do that. If you were appointed to a board, that person would give you a briefing.
In this case, it's a government body and the members are public officers, so if they ask for a briefing, we would give them one in which we would explain it to them. That is what they have done. On the new board, the three members have asked for a briefing, and we have given that.
They were appointed as public office holders. It was the government's choice to make them either public office holders or reporting public office holders. If they decided that this organization was very important and dealt with a lot of money and had a lot of discretion and and they wanted to put the highest form of discipline on them, they could designate them as reporting public office holders. In that case, as with you as an MP, they would have to have a disclosure, they would have a special counsellor, we would monitor them each year, and they would have had to report.
The downside to that is, of course, that you want to have people who know something about sustainable development technology who have other interests and not.... Therefore, I assume.... I have no idea why the government chose to do that. Right now we have a different board, but they originally chose to have a board that was half nominated by the government and half by this council, but even for those who are nominated by the government, like Madam Verschuren, it's up to them to make sure they abstain. They don't have to be as closely monitored as reporting public office holders.