Thank you very much.
There are two points that I want to make.
I'm not entirely new to the committee, Mr. Cannings, and it's good to be on committee with you.
I am not familiar with the previous testimony of Ms. Lawrence or Mr. Noseworthy. I understand that they didn't attend this committee. I understand that they attended twice, at INDU and ETHI.
The first point I want to make is that I'm not instinctively opposed to the idea. I haven't been able to ask any questions, but I would prefer to read their testimony first to determine whether it makes sense to invite them. Maybe the questions that I would ask have been answered. I genuinely don't know until I review the testimony. Some time, even over the weekend, would be appreciated.
This brings me to my second point, which is that tomorrow is Halloween. Keeping promises is important, and I promised my kids that I was going to carve pumpkins with them tonight. That's why I asked, Chair, if we were going to stick to two hours. I don't see any urgency here; this is going to exist on Monday as well.
I would move to adjourn, and I hope we all agree to take this up on Monday.