I respect that.
I think where I'm going with this is that we're still lacking the assurance. Lots of times we're seeing this delayed in terms of how it's going. Again, I understand the intent and the well-being and the effort for it, but we're constantly missing these deadlines of how they're set up and where we want to go.
I'll say that, when it's introduced, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's enacted. It has to go through the parliamentary process to make sure that we're getting this right. It just speaks, again, to the frustration that here we are, a year and a half from quite a damning report, and we're still having dates and intent there but no actual follow-through on meeting these deadlines.
Ms. Hogan, just based on what you've been hearing today, I know you haven't done a specific audit follow-up from your initial report, but are you getting better confidence that the department and officials and the government are changing the status quo, changing some of those fundamental problems? Are you actually seeing results a year and a half in, or are you still just hearing an intent, a follow-through, a well-meaning approach to this?
Are you fundamentally seeing the change that you think is necessary to change the structure of the system that you deemed to be broken?