Thank you, Chair.
It's good to see colleagues again.
Mr. Housefather did this in the introduction, but I think it's good to keep in mind not just what's been presented but also the fact that we have come, I would say, a long way in the past few days, since the original motion was presented. When the original motion was presented, there was debate back and forth on a number of things, but substantively, I think what's been suggested here is quite reasonable. I'll go through a few points.
The desire to fulfill our obligation to Canadians and ensure that we do so as parliamentarians, as elected representatives, is fulfilled. I commend Ms. Sinclair-Desgagné for proposing it in the first place.
We will see the contracts unredacted. I think that bears a lot of emphasis. Yes, it will be in a secure location and not together, but still, that is a very good step forward and, again, completely in line with the idea of ensuring that the rights of parliamentarians are respected.
If we're going to get hung up on the point about the NDA, then let me suggest that, going forward, perhaps this committee can make a recommendation, thinking about the future, on how we collectively feel about NDAs and future contracts. That could be something we consider.
Mr. Housefather has ably, not just as a parliamentary secretary responsible for the file but also as a lawyer who's worked on these things in the past.... He brings that knowledge to the table to look at it.