It certainly isn't simple, and there's no uniform way to do it.
For example, yesterday I attended a meeting in Toronto, where agencies that are dealing with the Somali community, the Caribbean community, and the Tamil community are working with a different approach from just straight individual mental health or psychological care for individuals. They are trying to connect the community into it, to do it in a way that connects to the spiritual beliefs of these folks and to their community. Many of the newcomers to Canada have very strong family connections, very strong spiritual connections. They may also get into trouble with the law; they may also have a mental illness. One has to develop a program that connects all of those dots, I think.
That's what this group of staff are trying to do. It's a very interesting set of programs that's being researched. These are people who are meeting midway through a project to assess it. I was there listening attentively, as a Mental Health Commission person. There are examples of programs like this, which are going to be preventative.
I think we need to do much more with our newcomers to Canada who have come from traumatic situations. Some of the people I was in the room with yesterday have lived lives in other countries, before they came here, that I would never imagine. If we don't do something better than we're doing at the moment with many of those people, some of them are going to fall off the train. They're going to end up in the hands of the Correctional Service of Canada some time along the line and be in great difficulty, like those Hungarian folks I spoke about whom I was involved with way back in 1959. If those young men hadn't got into that positive program in that institution, they might have very well ended up in serious grief later on. Having a coherent program with many facets is something that simply has to be done, if we're going to be preventative.
The Canadian Mental Health Association and others—the Mood Disorders Association, the Schizophrenia Society—spend most of their time trying to be preventative, trying to educate the community to deal differently with the mentally ill and substance abuse population. We could all learn a lot from the kinds of programs they've had that are working—because they are working, in many cases. They're very weakly funded, for the most part. We have a habit of waiting until people sort of hit us over the head with a serious offence before we act on many of these things.
The gist of your question, I think, is that we should be intervening earlier, and we certainly should. They're doing that in schools—and not just with psychiatrists, I think; many people with less advanced training can do that kind of work in schools and intervene early. In the U.S., you would be much more likely to see a social worker and then a psychologist before you got to see a psychiatrist. In Canada, our habit has been to go in with guns blazing. If you have a psychiatric illness, we often take you to the most highly trained person first. We don't fund psychologists the same way; we don't fund social workers the same way. That's another factor.