Sure. I'll just give you a quick example of some of the kinds of conditions that we have for individuals.
We'll often see individuals when there are concerns in relation to victims. We'll have a condition on their release that says to avoid certain places. I will give you a very specific example: they cannot enter the area of Malvern to Steeles to the north, Port Union to the east, McCowan to the west, and Neilson to the south. Obviously, these are streets in the Toronto area. It's a very specific geographic area.
We'll have other cases that will say where we have registered victims and very serious concerns raised by victims, we'll have conditions that say not to come anywhere near the victim's home or place of work. For individuals who have had as part of their crime cycle an issue related to the use of alcohol, we'll have conditions such as not to enter establishments where the primary source of income is derived from the sale or consumption of alcohol.
These are just some examples. Also, for some of the individuals who have significant gambling problems that lead to the crimes they commit, we'll have conditions to avoid gambling establishments.
I think as you can see, Mr. Chair, through these kinds of conditions, without some tools to help the parole supervision staff understand whether individuals are going there, it's almost impossible for them to enforce some of these types of conditions.