I'll start off and then invite my colleague to add to this.
As I mentioned, there are three reasons for detention under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act: the individual represents a danger to the country; the individual represents a flight risk, so they won't show up for a proceeding; or, their identity hasn't been established.
So the terms and conditions and the measures that CBSA uses, which, on a selective basis, include EM, are to mitigate the risk that the individual represents to the safety and security of Canadians and to mitigate the risk that their absconding presents to the integrity of the immigration and refugee system. We use terms and conditions, such as reporting, curfews, and, on a selective basis, EM, to mitigate those risks.
That's essentially how our officers would find the tools helpful. Certainly, to the extent that studies would show this, it would be helpful in terms of investment value-for-dollar and ensuring that our programs are as efficient and effective as possible.