Thank you, Chair.
I'll begin, if that's okay.
Thank you to the standing committee for allowing us to make this submission. I'm with the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. We're a national non-governmental organization working to promote the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in Canada and internationally, through research, legal and policy analysis, education, and community mobilization. We have 150 members across Canada. Many of them are AIDS service organizations.
For many years we have worked on the issue of HIV in prisons, most recently focusing on federal institutions. Two years ago we released a report documenting the experiences of prisoners and former prisoners with injection drug use. Because of the proven linkages between injection drug use and HIV and hepatitis C epidemics behind bars, we have also studied the issue of prison-based needle and syringe programs. In 2006 we released the most comprehensive international report on this issue, looking at the international experience. Last year I testified before this committee on the pressing need for these programs in relation to the study of mental health and addiction in prisons.
I'm going to go into the research now quickly. What it demonstrates is that despite the sustained efforts of prison systems to keep drugs out, people in prison use drugs. And they do enter the prison system. This has been confirmed by all of the witnesses to this committee in previous meetings, including those who work in corrections. While positive urinalysis test results may be down, rates of HIV and hepatitis C behind bars are increasing. The 2010 figures released by CSC indicated a self-reported HIV prevalence rate of 4.6 % among prisoners. This is 15 times the HIV prevalence in the community. Aboriginal women reported the highest rate of HIV, at 11.7%. Among those ever tested for hepatitis C virus, 31% reported a hepatitis C positive test result, which is 39 times greater than the rate in the community. Again, aboriginal women reported the highest hepatitis C rate, at 49.1%. That's almost one in two aboriginal women testing positive for hepatitis C.
These prevalence rates rival those in sub-Saharan Africa. Significantly, people are not only coming to prison infected with HIV or hepatitis C, but they are also sero-converting inside, and I know a number of prison physicians will attest to this.
In our interviews with prisoners and former prisoners across Canada, many confirmed the accessibility of drugs, the extent of addiction, and the pervasiveness of injection drug use in prison. Because of the scarcity of injection equipment in prison, people who inject drugs, including those with addictions, are more likely to share injection equipment than those in the community, thereby increasing their risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis C.
The 2010 CSC report that I just referred to indicated that 17% of men and 14% of women injected drugs in prison. About half of those people who injected drugs shared injection equipment, including with people who they knew had HIV, hepatitis C, or unknown infection status.
Though these figures are high, they are likely understating the pervasiveness of this practice, given the repercussions for those who admit to this illegal behaviour. Moreover, these numbers represent an increase in reported injection drug use since a 1995 CSC survey. In 1995, this survey indicated 11% of prisoners reported drug use by injection. So it's quite a significant increase.
Programs that ensure access to sterile injection equipment are therefore an important component of a comprehensive approach to reducing prisoners’ vulnerability to HIV and hepatitis C infection. To date, these programs have been introduced in more than 60 prisons in at least 11 countries. They're mentioned in my report, but I'll just give you a quick rundown: Switzerland, Spain, Moldova, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Germany, Luxembourg, Iran, Romania, and Armenia. We know they're operating in well-funded prison systems and severely under-funded prison systems, in civilian and military prison systems, in institutions with drastically different physical arrangements for the housing of prisoners, in men's and women's institutions, and in prisons of all security classifications and sizes.
They also use different methods for distributing the equipment. They use hand-to-hand exchange by nurses or the prison physician; distribution by one-for-one automated syringe dispensing machines; peer outreach workers and other prisoners who are distributing the equipment; and external NGOs or other health professionals who come in and do the distribution.
The best available evidence all points to the fact that these programs work. They reduce risk behaviour and disease; they don't increase drug consumption or injecting; they do not endanger staff or prisoner safety—and I think that's really an important point, because I know a correctional officer has previously testified about his concern about this posing a risk to his staff—and they have other positive outcomes for the health of people in prison, including increasing referrals of users to drug addiction treatment programs.
Since the first program was introduced in a Swiss prison in 1992, there has not been a single reported case of injection equipment being used as a weapon against either a staff member or another prisoner. Prisoners are usually required to keep their equipment in a predetermined location in their cells. This assists staff when they enter the cell to conduct searches and has decreased accidental needle stick injuries. Staff are much less likely to encounter used needles that are hidden in prisoners' cells and to be accidentally pricked with a needle that has been used countless times by countless people. These findings were all confirmed in a review by the Public Health Agency of Canada called Prison Needle Exchange: Review of the Evidence. It was done in 2006 at the request of Correctional Service Canada.
A focus on drug interdiction and abstinence, especially in a federal prison context where there are waiting lists for substance abuse treatment programs, ignores a substantial body of research that demonstrates that addiction is a chronic and relapsing condition shaped by many behavioural and social contextual characteristics. By refusing to implement prison-based needle and syringe programs, CSC unnecessarily places individuals with the most severe drug dependence at risk of hepatitis C and HIV infection.
Many have relied on these programs in the community. I know that all of you are aware there are over 200 needle and syringe programs operating in communities across Canada, with more in development. They've had the support of all levels of government, and the evidence shows that they work.
Denying these programs to prisoners also discriminates against people who inject drugs in prison and aggravates the public health by contributing further to the harms associated with unsafe drug use. As we discussed in our written brief, prisoners disproportionately embody multiple characteristics recognized as traditional grounds on which discrimination is prohibited. In particular, the denial of these programs to prisoners disproportionately affects aboriginal communities, which are disproportionately represented already in Canadian prisons, and among people who inject drugs and people living with HIV in the population as a whole.
The denial of these programs to people in prison also disproportionately impacts women. Though they constitute a minority of those incarcerated in Canada, a significant percentage of women were incarcerated for offences related to drug use often linked to underlying factors such as experiences of sexual and physical violence and abuse. A previous history of injection drug use is also consistently found more frequently among women than men in Canadian prisons.
Already HIV and hepatitis C prevalence is significantly higher among incarcerated women than men in Canada. As the Canadian Human Rights Commission has concluded, “Although sharing dirty needles poses risks for any inmate, the impact on women is greater because of the higher rate of drug use and HIV infection in this population”, an impact that “may be particularly acute for federally sentenced aboriginal women”.
With increasing rates of HIV and hepatitis C in prison, society also bears the cost of treatment for those who are infected. According to Correctional Service Canada, treating a prisoner with hepatitis C costs $22,000, and treating a prisoner with HIV costs $29,000 per year. This is a lifetime cost. It is far more cost-effective to provide prisoners with sterile injection equipment than to treat their HIV or hepatitis C infection.
The World Health Organization actually provided an informal quotation for the unit cost of this equipment, and it came to $4 to $10 U.S. per person per year. These costs are for programs in the community, but I think they're applicable in the prison context as well.
In 2006, more than 2,000 people were released from prison into the community with hepatitis C and more than 200 people were released into the community with HIV. Prison health is public health. There is no reason to treat prisoners differently from people in the community who are struggling with addiction. By reducing the risk of HIV and of hepatitis C infection among prisoners who inject drugs, the majority of whom return to the community upon release, the health of the Canadian public is also better protected.
Thank you.