I do want to talk about first nations' policing, which you have talked about, and the problems they have, and in particular, my experience in northwestern Ontario, in the Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service, or NAPS. Your comments about the struggles that first nation police services are having are absolutely right on. They're very accurate, and thank you for saying that.
You did talk about a new model. What would your new model look like? You must have given this a little bit of thought. What can be done?
I heard from a retired police officer that when the OPP handed over that whole area to NAPS, everything was fine, everything was in good shape. Then something happened in the intervening years. As you know, in first nation communities—and you outlined Pikangikum in particular—there are some estimates from NAPS that we have communities in northwestern Ontario with an 80% addiction rate.