Sure, and I will ask Scott Jones, our deputy chief of IT security, to come in.
Perhaps to answer the question, Mr. Chair, I'll go to three different pieces of the proposed legislation.
First of all, to prevent cyber-attacks, we need to have not only good capabilities and tremendous Canadian men and women working on this but also good intelligence to try to understand what those threats are before they even come to Canada. In the legislation, there is a strengthening of our ability to ensure that we can continue to collect foreign signals intelligence, including that relating to cyber-threats. That's a piece of it.
The second piece I would draw attention to is that the cybersecurity aspect of the legislation talks about us being better able to share threat information with the private sector, and it also talks about us being able to—again, at their request—help defend their systems. That's another way this legislation would strengthen our ability to help do cyber-defence for Canadians.
The third piece I would focus on is the defence of cyber-capabilities. If there was a cyber-attack, instead of us sort of standing back with a shield with which we would try to protect against these billion malicious attempts per day and waiting for them to happen, if we could go and say, “Let's try to stop that cyber-attack from even happening”—there could be a server outside which we know is now trying to infiltrate a Canadian system and steal Canadians' information—we could, through this legislation, which would be a new piece for us, try to stop that attack before it got to our shores and into our systems.
With that overview, maybe I'll ask Scott Jones, our IT security—