I'll just point to the new Canadian centre for cybersecurity that was mentioned in budget 2018 and that has been brought up a number of times around this table today.
A number of our allies who moved to this kind of model when they saw that they needed to integrate within their own cryptologic agencies—our sister organizations—to consolidate their cyber-operations' capabilities within their cryptologic agencies, see a couple of things. Number one, I think they see the need to have a unified, trusted source, and a single source of information, advice, and guidance, a place for their citizens and their businesses to be able to turn to.
Number two goes a bit to the minister's earlier comments about expertise. I feel very fortunate for the men and women who work in CSE, truly some of the best and brightest minds in our country, whether they be mathematicians or engineers or computer scientists or linguists, who are dedicating their time and attention to work in CSE and to bring their capabilities and skills to bear. Again, one of the best practices, I think, we've seen from allies is to consolidate their cybersecurity operations within the sister organizations to CSE and to truly leverage the skills and capabilities they have to be able to better protect their own citizens.