Thank you.
Thank you, Wayne.
Wayne, Pardons Canada has major centres in every one of our major cities across Canada from coast to coast. They advertise quite extensively that they will help people. I have to wonder at one of the last lines that they have in here:
We can help you today. We will track and collect all of the necessary documents to help you with your case. If you meet the eligibility requirements, we will help you clear your criminal record. Proof of your criminal record removal will also be provided to you in an official written document.
Now, people have been able to get a pardon in Canada. It has to be 40 years now from when that first legislation came out. A lot of people just ignored it. At the time, there was almost no cost. I think it was $50.
I have a problem with having a uniform statement that the government is going to pay for the cost of doing it. There is already a cost for the bureaucracy, and any government bureaucracy is expensive.
Could we not say that people with special needs would go to a separate file and it would be reviewed, and if it looks like they do not have the means, then we would pay for it, rather than saying that the government pays for the whole thing?