Good afternoon, Mr. Chair and members of the committee.
It's a pleasure to be here again, I think. I guess I was just scrummed, so I got a little taste of what your lives are like.
As you know, my name is Scott Jones and I'm the head of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, which is a change from the last time I was here. The launch of the cyber centre was imminent. I am joined today by Eric Belzile, the director general of our incident management and threat mitigation team.
Launched on October 1, 2018, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security is a new organization but one with a rich history. The cyber centre brings together operational cybersecurity experts from across the Government of Canada under one roof.
In line with the National Cyber Security Strategy, the launch of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security represents a shift to a more unified approach to cyber security in Canada. The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security continues the work of the Communications Security Establishment's (CSE) IT security mandate. It provides advice, guidance, and services to federal departments and agencies and other systems of importance to the Government of Canada.
The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security also keeps Canadians safe in cyberspace by providing easily accessible information on cyber security matters, as a single, clear, and trusted source of information. With the amalgamation of parts of Public Safety Canada and Shared Services Canada, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security continues the work of these departments to encourage collaboration with other levels of government, the private sector, and academia.
Our partnerships with industry are vital. Governments everywhere are simply not able to keep pace with the rapid innovation that the private sector is able to bring to bear. The Government of Canada cannot improve cybersecurity for Canadians without collaborating with the private sector.
This brings me to the specific topic of today's discussion: cybersecurity in the financial sector as a national economic security issue.
A significant disruption to the financial sector could have effects that reverberate across Canada's entire economy. The effects of a cyber-disruption could be immediate, such as financial loss, or they could occur over the medium to long term in the form of decreased consumer confidence. The risk of a cyber-compromise increases as the financial sector continues its transition to digital services and connects more devices to the Internet.
Nevertheless, this digital transformation has the potential to create tremendous opportunities for growth. To not leverage innovations in digital technology would mean being left out of the global economy. Retrenchment is not an option.
To this end, Canada needs to remain vigilant and take action to prevent, detect and respond to cyber threats to the financial sector, and all sectors of Canada's industry.
In this effort, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security was proud to release Canada's first National Cyber Threat Assessment in December 2018. This assessment describes our view of the current cyber threat landscape in Canada. The intent is to ensure that as cyber threat actors pursue new ways to use the Internet and connected devices for malicious purposes, Canadians are well informed of the cyber threats facing our country. The assessment includes several key judgments on the current cyber threat environment, including that facing Canada's financial sector.
First, we assess that cybercrime is the cyber-threat most likely to affect Canadians and Canadian businesses in 2019. While all businesses are at risk, the financial sector is a frequent target of cybercriminals.
In a survey on the impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses, researchers at Statistics Canada found that nearly half of Canadian organizations in the banking sector were impacted by cybersecurity incidents in 2017. Cybercriminals can target the financial sector, such as banking institutions, for immediate financial gain, but they can also target this industry for data about its customers and partners or for proprietary information. Stolen information is often held for ransom, sold or used to gain a competitive advantage.
These incidents can result in major financial losses and can also result in reputational damage, productivity loss, intellectual property theft, operational disruptions and recovery expenses.
More sophisticated threat actors, including nation states, could also target the financial sector for its value as one of Canada's critical infrastructure sectors. However, we assess that at this time it is very unlikely that state-sponsored cyber threat actors would intentionally seek to disrupt Canadian critical infrastructure. While the financial sector is an attractive target for cyber threat actors, it is also a relatively hard target.
Indeed, in its 2017 survey, Statistics Canada found that two-thirds of banking institutions had a policy in place to manage or report cybersecurity incidents. The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security also plays an important role in helping to protect systems of importance to the Government of Canada.
We currently have ongoing and tailored initiatives with partners in Canada's financial sector. For example, the cyber centre regularly shares reports on indicators of compromise with critical infrastructure providers, including partners in the financial sector, with the goal of promoting the integration of cyber-defence technology.
When looking at what Canadians and businesses can do to protect themselves from cyber-threats, it is important to remember that adopting even basic cybersecurity practices can help thwart cyber-threat actors. Cybersecurity is everyone's business.
Thank you. I look forward to your questions.