Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for being here, Mr. Minister.
I want to talk about your election platform. Before me, I have a passage that lists the changes that will be made. After the list of those measures, we read the following: “As this legislation is tabled in Parliament, we will launch broad public consultations, to engage and seek the input of Canadians and subject-matter experts.” We had understood that the bill was going to be introduced and that Canadians would then be consulted. But no, they are being consulted beforehand. Meanwhile, very serious breaches are being raised, including by the Privacy Commissioner, and the problems are not being solved. Those powers continue to be used with no adequate oversight.
What will happen next? Are you going to introduce a bill to make changes to the provisions in Bill C-51 and then consult again?
Why not stand by the commitment in your platform, to introduce a bill with the measures you are proposing, and consult afterwards?
Clearly, your mind is already made up. You have just listed the measures that correspond exactly with your election platform.