Maybe it was from that. I don't know when or where it happened.
We begin clause-by-clause of the bill now. We welcome Mr. Wong and Mr. Noël from the Department of Justice, who are here to help us with any questions we have. Monsieur Méla is here as our legislative clerk to help us with any procedural questions we have regarding our clause-by-clause process.
We are going to begin. As is our custom we will postpone clause 1, the short title.
(On clause 2)
As you can see from your amendment package there are three amendments to clause 2.
I am going to note for the committee that there was discussion about the eligibility of NDP-1 and whether or not it was within the scope of the bill. I have read it and have decided that yes, it is within the scope of the bill, because the scope of the bill is broadly the protection of journalistic sources. So I think it is appropriate for us to begin with it.
I will turn to Mr. Dubé if he would like to move that amendment.