We've developed structured guidance for parole officers and members of the case management team. It's called “A guide to documenting consideration of the Aboriginal social history”. As well, at each of our aboriginal intervention centres this summer, all the members received training on aboriginal social history. Also, we have what we call “parole officer continuous development” every year, and this year one component is the aboriginal social history. We're placing a lot of effort and energy on that.
Just as an aside, in my job I'm also responsible for third-level grievances from offenders. We're very good at documenting aboriginal social history. The training we're giving to our staff is how you take those factors and look at different culturally appropriate approaches.
Aboriginal social history is supposed to be considered in the decision-making process. When an offender grieves, let's say, a transfer decision or other decisions, if I see that aboriginal social history was not considered, in some cases I uphold a grievance, and we send letters to the institution to say that it needs to be done.