Thank you for the question.
The training itself is really focused, based on our GBA+ analysis, on our ability to approach individuals from any community with the respect that they need. That's really been our focus. As you know, we have a bias-free policing policy on that, and we have tried to reinforce that throughout the organization to ensure that as our members deal with sexual assault or any other type of issue, they are approaching the members of our diverse communities with the respect that they need. Part of that is also ensuring that, as we recruit across the force, we're recruiting more and more diversity into our organization. We are hoping that at a certain point you get a tipping point and you become more diverse as you're more and more exposed to our different communities.
That is really our main focus. The training itself is really focused on our front-line police officers, so when they are approaching any type of situation, they're approaching it in a respectful manner.