I think there are a few things we talk about in the security realm. We talk about confidentiality—protecting the information itself—then the availability and then integrity of what's being transmitted so that you can't change it en route.
You're really talking about availability, and I think that's such an important question. There are a few techniques that would be used.
If you're looking to, for example, take me off-line right now as I'm talking, you could do something like a distributed denial of service attack and just overwhelm my Internet connection so that it doesn't know what's good traffic and what's bad. That's something where there are very robust mitigations in place. Canada's telcos have for years been able to defend against this. There are DDoS attacks that happen on the Internet constantly that we just don't know about because they are so well defended against.
Also, then, you have things that will target specific elements of infrastructure. That's usually taking advantage of a vulnerability. That could be flooding, overwhelming it—