Thank you.
Again, we're talking about cases of domestic violence predominately, although that's not the only situation. This change that we're proposing is really important in terms of ensuring that things happen in a timely manner, ensuring that the 24 hours is included here unless it's impossible. The example that was given to me was that the 24 hours is not possible because the owner is in Italy, so the CFO could determine that 24 hours was impossible for them to meet.
I think it's an important amendment to ensure that these firearms are turned in in a very timely manner, because we know that the most dangerous time for a woman when she leaves a domestic violence situation is within that first very short time period. It's happened time and again that a woman is killed within that first time frame, so I'm hoping that colleagues...and I thank Madame Michaud for withdrawing hers to support LIB-4.
Thank you so much for this and all your work on this bill.
I'll leave it there, Chair.