Hello everyone, members of the Standing Committee on Science and Research.
I am delighted to meet with you this morning to discuss a subject I am passionate about and a sector in which I have worked concretely and actively over the past 20 years: support for the commercialization of intellectual property, or IP, that is the product of public research.
I was the president and CEO of Aligo Innovation, one of the three companies working on the commercialization of public university research before the creation of Axelys. Aligo was owned by ten of the 18 universities in Quebec.
The thoughts and information I would like to share with you this morning are found in a brief I co‑wrote with Brigitte Lespérance. That brief, in 2020, proposed a reform of the structure for commercializing research in Quebec, based on two of the four commercialization companies having successfully united by creating Aligo, in a context in which the universities and the Quebec government had initiated discussions for reviewing the model for commercializing university research in Quebec.
I would like to talk to you this morning, more specifically, about the commercialization of intellectual property, or IP, free of third party rights, also called "orphan IP". "Free of third party rights" is understood to mean that the IP is not subject to commercial rights granted to companies, which is generally the case when the research is funded or co‑funded by private partners. In that situation, the commercial development partner is already present.
In these brief remarks, I would like to highlight a few issues, obstacles and factors for success in maximizing the socioeconomic benefits of IP.
An initial point concerns the technology transfer process, which is long and complex. It calls for a vision and long-term measures, and patience and resources that universities do not necessarily have.
We have to recall that about 10 to 15% of invention disclosures will be commercialized by transferring the IP. Seven to ten years, or even more, may pass between an invention disclosure and the first royalties from a transfer.
The example of Stanford University is instructive. With 500 invention disclosures a year, it had to wait almost 20 years before seeing its royalty revenue increase substantially. Stanford now finances itself with that revenue, in particular thanks to a few successes, like Google, although fewer than 1% of its licensing agreements bring in significant amounts in royalties.
My second point concerns the need to make business decisions at all stages of the transfer process. This means that there must be a dedicated, seasoned team with multisectoral competencies, agility, and the collective intelligence to assess and carry out commercialization plans proactively, with independence and a capacity to make good business decisions.
My third point concerns the need to reduce the technological and business risks of the innovations, which are generally at stages that are too early to attract strategic or financial partners. This means that apart from a budget to fund the patent applications, it must also provide an internal funding capacity to mitigate the risks of the technologies.
My last point proposes a paradigm shift in the way we look at commercializing IP free of third-party rights.
The commercialization activity has to be dissociated from other forms of exploitation and transfer, including open and collaborative research, since the dynamics and orientations of the activities are different.
As a result of their obligation to support research and research infrastructures, universities therefore generally prioritize activities that generate revenue in the short and medium terms.
However, in a technology transfer process, the intellectual property must be treated as an asset with an economic value, and all activities and decisions concerning the asset must be market-oriented, with a clear transfer and socioeconomic impact objective.
The purpose must not be to fund research, but rather to create new products and new services. Decisions must be base on commercial and business imperatives. This dynamic is oriented not toward the needs of the universities, but toward the market.
In conclusion, since the purpose of the commercialization of IP developed using public funds and free of third party rights is to create socioeconomic wealth, it would be wise for the government to directly support all of these activities and require a return from them.
Thank you for your attention, and I am available to answer your questions.