My role in COSEWIC is on the aboriginal traditional knowledge subcommittee. There are two of us who were identified by the Assembly of First Nations to be put forward to the minister for appointments. I was appointed by the Minister of Environment. I have served at least three terms on the committee.
One of the answers, I think, to that question is what that committee is grappling with. You have a committee of 12 people, basically, who are appointed by the five major aboriginal organizations that are recognized in Canada. They are there to assist with providing the best ATK, or the best traditional knowledge, to the status listing process. The problem that we have is that every indigenous area, landscape, terrain and water is different. The people who live those areas approach knowledge production differently.
I use the words “indigenous science” to differentiate it from traditional knowledge and belief. The science of indigenous people is not only precise and factual but has been built up about that land they specifically have occupied and lived on for thousands of years and have passed on in their families as hunters, harvesters, berry pickers or whatever. The problem is that what government policy seems to want is some kind of monopolicy to cover so many different ways of approaching that science knowledge from indigenous people and working with it in terms of using it, for instance, in the SARA listing, or used in recovery or in co-management or in other areas.
Unless that policy is changed in terms of finding ways to specifically develop principles that understand and work with people who are deeply embedded in situ on their lands, you're always going to get something else. You're going to get something that's externalized and something that fits into western science modalities. That is what I see as a real need for a group of people who are from first nations living in situ that can create and set down principles that can help in policy development that can really elevate and change the way that the tension between the two sciences is reconciled.