In 2008 our organization changed our position from being a position of decriminalization across the board to the position we have now of calling for the decriminalization of women and girls always, and the continued indictment of the buying and selling of women and girls.
Part of the reason we came to that position is the law.... I worked on some of these initiatives. We had argued for decriminalization at a time when the decision was made not to decriminalize, at a time when the law was asymmetrically applied against women. Women would be charged and prosecuted and jailed for selling their bodies, but you wouldn't necessarily see the law applied to men who bought them.
I know there are men who sell, and they tend to age out more than women do, and there are women who buy as well. But overwhelmingly, the majority is....
When the law was made so-called “gender neutral”, what we saw was the development of John schools and diversion programs for men, but women still went to jail.
We also saw, over that period of time, the evisceration of the social safety net, the elimination of the Canada assistance plan which I alluded to. We saw the increased marginalization of women and the increased economic, social, and legal inequality of women.
Our position is not just about prostitution, but it is very much that we need a guaranteed livable income. We need adequate social services. We need housing initiatives. We need educational supports and initiatives. We need health, and particularly mental health initiatives. That is what is needed in order to ensure that women aren't in positions where they're increasingly at risk of having no other option but to sell their bodies to support themselves and/or their children.
Where they don't have those options, or where they choose those options, they should never be criminalized.
What we know is that in communities where we have seen the decriminalization, we are seeing the increased commodification, and the increased demand for the commodification of women. In a context where we're seeing the increased sexual commodification of women and girls despite legal equality—and I say “legal equality”—those women and girls are increasingly at risk of being in those positions. We see, for instance, people being trafficked in communities to meet demand where those services have been decriminalized across the board. We still continue to see those unequal positions, in fact, exacerbated by the notion that women should be sexually available to men at all stages.