Thank you, Madam Chair.
I want to come back to the discussion a little bit. I was listening to Mr. Stanton earlier about the importance of finishing one good piece. The difficulty I'm having with the discussion, though, is that, as Ms. Smith has also mentioned, there are the rights of children and protecting the rights of children.... There's no question that there are more affected children. I was dealing with many when I was involved as minister for CIDA, and I've seen it around the world. There are exotic dancers who come into Canada and they end up doing other things besides dancing--we know that--but why do they come? They're desperate for money. Why is there trafficking of children in Africa?
First of all, are we talking about just Canada or are we talking about the world? Whether it's in Canada or outside of Canada, it's money that buys the children, it's money that buys the young girls. It's money. If there were security in the homes of those little girls, and maybe boys and other females, they wouldn't be able to buy them.
Dire poverty and people who live on the edge is what's causing and is what's affecting the situation. Women are the poorest people in Canada, we know that. Whether they're aboriginal women or they're immigrant women or they're other women in different parts of the country, they are the poorest people of our country. To some degree, the system is set up to keep them there.
Why are they still making only 70 cents of the dollar that men make, even when they have university degrees, the same as their fellow men? Why is it that the EI system, our system, still excludes most women, and they can't qualify? We were supposed to review that, and we still haven't done it. It's a piece that needs to be looked at. Why is it that pensions...? The very life that women lead keeps them in poverty because they are not able to participate.
I met a woman, a senior woman, who just a week ago came to my office because she and her husband were not quite separated, he just left and went off with a younger woman a year before. Unfortunately for her, he died, and the law says that the last person he lived with, common law, gets to inherit his CPP--after 32 years of raising his children. Can we get serious here about women?
This is a diversion. If we don't deal with the core issue of women, which is economic, we cannot save them from the traffickers--we cannot. How can we take elderly women out of poverty and deal with that? Can we not deal with the core issues here, which address women's instability and their lives and their poverty, their dire poverty? Because that's at the core of why they're trafficked, of why they get into prostitution, or why they end up wherever.
There's another great example here. I hope that my colleague, Ms. Mathyssen, will not be offended, but I'm going to use one of her colleagues, the most recent NDP member of the legislature in Ontario, who was a street child, a street kid, as an example. She eventually bailed herself out of that, eventually got an education, and now is a legislator. Was she lucky? Maybe there was some help along the way--and Ms. Mathyssen might know her story better than I do--but it's one very glaring example of somebody who survived and managed to get out. Why can we not help the others to get out instead of studying trafficking? Get at the core of what causes the poverty. Why is the system holding them back? Let's deal with it. That is where it's at and that's where I think....
I get passionate because I've been dealing with women's issues now for 35 years. The issue on the table is the same every time, year after year. I'm going to retire, and I'll be old and dead long before we deal with the core issue of why women are trafficked, why women are in prostitution, why women are poor. Let's deal with it. At least let's give it a try and have a report before the end of the session. Let's say this is what we stand for, and we are trying.
If we deal with only trafficking, which is a small slice of the real issue--an important slice, no question at all--we will not address the real issue, and again we will be diverted to something that is really nice and sexy. It's high-profile, it will get attention and what have you, but it won't address the core problem--it won't.
Madam Chair, as you can see I am extremely passionate about this because I've been at it at this table for far too many years, and I've seen the same issues come and go. And at the end of the day, if we don't address the core issues we really have failed the women and the children of this country.