I think it was somebody from the Native Women's Association of Canada who spoke about factors that make women vulnerable. It is obvious that in many countries around the world, neo-liberal globalization has caused impoverishment, particularly among women. This of course is one of the reasons why more and more of them have to leave their country.
For example, it is interesting to see that in Africa, migration has changed completely. Before, it was mainly young men who left their country to find a better life elsewhere. Now it is mainly women who are leaving. To improve their own circumstances and, very often, those of their family, they are regularly forced to use their body. Their own survival and the survival of their family depends on it. In many instances, there is a risk that they will come into contact with trafficking networks.
With respect to militarization, we saw how in Afghanistan, the bombing and the war led to an immense amount of poverty. What was left for people to do to earn money? Families sold their young daughters in Saudi Arabia, where people had enough money to buy the bodies of little girls. The same thing is happening in Iraq at the moment: a great many women, simply to survive, end up in prostitution networks that operate all around the world. I think that the problem exists in Iraq itself.
Equality between men and women also needs to be discussed. Women want to be models at the age of 13 or 14 not because it is in their genes, but because that is what society offers them as an opportunity. It does not necessarily have anything to do with personal liberation. Women's bodies and beauty are prized as a tool for power or as a way of being loved. You need only think of the little girl I spoke to you about, who fell in love with a pimp.
In Quebec, networks of pimps and individuals who traffic in young women focus heavily on youth centres. These people attract young girls by holdingout the idea of an easy life, telling that they will be beautiful and that they will receive gifts. At the same time, they ask them to sleep with their friends. That is very often how these things begin. The girls agree to do so because they like the person who approached them. In some cases, they are not even aware that they are being used for the purpose of prostitution.