First of all, I know you appreciate that within the women's program, the funding there has always been the same. It will remain the same.
On the access by non-profits, I would say that out of the examples, I think the opportunity should be there. I don't want to foreclose having an opportunity with some. Maybe a for-profit might have capabilities that a not-for-profit might not have in the delivery of the service. Again, it's a matter of saying that the forms themselves....
We also committed, as a government, to streamline. The government overall has been charged with streamlining and becoming less administratively burdensome to providing services to organizations and citizens. So the application forms, I would suggest, are equitably accessible. Of those application forms that we've received to date, we're getting very thorough application forms.
It's very clear that there is a request for measurable differences. There's a clear ability to describe the programs, to describe who else would be involved, like other partners or other non-profits. In many of the smaller communities, they see a number of organizations coming together to put forward a proposal.
So I would suggest to you that there is no disadvantaging of non-profits because of just an opportunity that's there for a for-profit organization if it comes up with a project. The reality is that we welcome the for-profit sector that would come forward with a project that is not in line with their core businesses, but does so because they believe they have a place and a way to contribute to this effort.