I think this takes more than one person to answer the question. I was going to start by saying there are programs, federally and provincially, that deal with some aspects of the broad issues you're raising. We were just talking about employment insurance and parental benefits, for example, which is a part of the answer insofar as when parents take time off to look after the kids. That's one program.
There is a range of other policies and programs that deal with different elements of the programs. I mentioned that last time. There are programs directly related to aboriginal peoples, for example, both at Indian and Northern Affairs and at my department, Human Resources. There are also programs targeted towards immigrant women and immigrants in general.
I guess part of my answer is there is a range of policies and programs, and part of what that's doing is parsing out different issues. I think it's worth saying that there were a number of things in the last budget, in 2007, that tried to get at some of the issues that were raised in the testimony. For example, women who are re-entering the labour market or are entering the labour market but not eligible for employment insurance would be eligible for the new program that was announced in Budget 2007. It's just called the labour market program, but $500 million was set out, aimed at women and men who were not eligible for employment insurance programs. So that's a specific improvement I think that addresses very directly the issue of women who are not eligible for employment insurance.
There were additional improvements, additional increases in programs for aboriginal peoples in the budget, for our department—for Human Resources—and there were improvements set out for immigrants to Canada around foreign credential recognition and improvements to the temporary foreign worker program.
So those are all changes that are incremental, I would say. Maybe you wanted to—