Excuse me, Ms. Hoeppner.
It does not, as the first motion did, speak to all commemorative ceremonies and to all parliamentarians, which is what made that out of order. That's the purview of the Speaker and of Parliament when you start speaking about all parliamentarians and all commemorative ceremonies. We don't have the opportunity to say that a commemorative veterans ceremony therefore falls under this. It says “all ceremonies”, so basically we don't have that authority.
But here we're asking the committee to do something. The fact is that the committee cannot rule in perpetuity about what other committees will do. Anything we agree on here with regard to this only holds for this committee. If the committee changes in another session, it no longer holds.
I am just giving you that for information so you will decide whether you wish to debate this motion or not. If you don't wish to debate the motion, somebody could move that the debate be adjourned and then we will take a vote on it and move on.
Ms. Duncan, welcome to the committee. You wish to say something.