Sorry, I had to leave quickly there for a second.
I sit on the aboriginal affairs committee, and we had Sharon McIvor come in and testify before us, so I'm quite familiar with the issues there with the McIvor decision. I understand that for B.C. it was 45,000 additional people added to the registry. Then all of a sudden with the amendments and all that, they went outside the scope of the study. We're hoping to get that back on track and study it further at the aboriginal affairs committee.
One thing I do have is in the friendship centres I don't think they get enough credit. I'm going right back to you, Tamara. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but just in visiting the friendship centres in my riding in northern Saskatchewan, I heard one common complaint regarding funding, at the end of the year. Some of the friendship centres that do have money left over have to give that money back to Canadian Heritage or back to the government. Am I wrong? Is that correct?