It's difficult being the first one to start, because I'm not quite sure what you want to hear.
Ikwe Widdjiitiwin is an aboriginal women's shelter. Most of our clientele are young aboriginal women with children. Our shelter is for women experiencing domestic violence. When they come into our shelter they generally have nothing but the clothes on their backs, with no money and sometimes no ID.
Some of the problems we're facing with some of the women coming in include addiction and mental health issues, which are becoming more visible over time. It becomes very difficult to work with them. There are many other agencies involved, such as child and family, the courts, the justice system, etc.
What we try to do is work with the women--they're there for a minimum of 30 days--and give them programs on domestic violence; advocate for housing; and give them help with legal issues, such as protection orders, and medical, if they have to go to the hospital, for example. For a minimum of 30 days we work with them. That really isn't a lot of time to turn anybody around, but hopefully we pass the seed to them so that in time they will.
Generally we will get quite a lot of repeat clients. They may come in with different partners, perhaps, but they've fallen into a pattern of living in abusive relationships. This becomes, again, more normal for them than it should be. The abnormal becomes normal. They almost look for a relationship that is abusive.
We get quite a few women flying in from reserves, or driving in, or being transferred to our facility. I find that many of them have pretty horrendous stories about what happens on the reserve, such as being under.... Let's say the chief and council are related to the abuser. Well, then, the woman doesn't get any help at all. If anything, she's told to leave the reserve.
So those are some of the stories. When they come into the city, they are really easy pickings for many of the drug dealers and others. We did have our first case of human trafficking, under the new law that passed. Many of our young women are very vulnerable to things like that.
The domestic violence has many effects on the children. They have a lot of difficulty in terms of working out their anger or withdrawing into themselves. You can see a pattern that may be started if it isn't stopped at that time.
We also offer parenting programs for these young women. We offer nutrition programs, etc. Many of them do not know hygiene. We have to teach them how to wash clothes, how to cook nutritious meals for themselves and their children, and how to budget their money, things like that.
We do have many women calling in who are afraid to leave their abusers for fear of retribution. Family members also may force a woman to stay with her abuser, and because those are her only supports, that may be the only thing she can do. But we do encourage them to come in. As I said, we do get a lot of repeat clients who have left several times before. It generally does take them about seven or eight times before they can actually break away.
We have quite a few success stories, thank God. It makes us realize that our job is very important for the ones who we know have broken away from that cycle of violence and are making their own lives with their children. Success stories like those are what keep us going.
We do get some older women into our shelter. Again, it seems that many of them have some sort of addiction to alcohol or prescription pills, which is another big thing. I want to go on to say that many of the doctors our women see just ply them with drugs. I mean, some of the women come in with five or six different types of drugs--anti-psychotics, Valium, all sorts of drugs. They're just overmedicating our women, and these women are becoming addicted. What happens when the doctor stops giving the drugs to them?
These are some of the problems we're facing at this shelter. There are always more things that we wish to do.
Being an aboriginal women's shelter, we also try to organize cultural programs. We request that elders come in and do one-on-one in sharing circles. They're allowed to smudge in our healing room. We also offer counselling 24/7, so there is always somebody there to talk to them.
As I say, 30 days isn't a very long time to work with women, especially when they have all these other things they have to do, like finding housing, get furniture, and just settling down is a time-consuming effort. The staff and the board are all there for one reason, and that is to help these women break away from the cycle of violence and do the best they can.
Thank you.