Thank you.
Good morning. I'd like to thank the committee for allowing the RCMP to appear here this morning. It means a great deal to us.
“D” Division RCMP provides policing services to most of Manitoba's rural and remote communities: more than 446,000 people, including 59 first nations and 48 Métis communities.
The RCMP has long been working closely with our aboriginal communities to strengthen mutual communication. “D” Division's aboriginal advisory committee includes elders and aboriginal peoples from different backgrounds and perspectives. We also have well-established public safety protocols with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the MKO, which represents our northern chiefs, and the southern chiefs.
“D” Division's aboriginal policing service facilitates communications processes on high-profile matters of concern to the aboriginal leadership and community. Just last year, in August of 2009, “D” Division RCMP and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs signed a memorandum of understanding that saw a regular member of the RCMP, Ms. Monique Cooper, who is behind me here today, join the AMC at their work.
Responding to the feedback from the commanding officer's aboriginal advisory committee, we established a new position of gang awareness coordinator in April of 2010 to implement the gang prevention, education, and initiative strategy.
We are also actively involved in human trafficking prevention and awareness. “D” Division participates in the provincial human trafficking and response team committee with representatives from the Winnipeg Police Service, the Manitoba Department of Justice, the Canada Border Services Agency, the Salvation Army, the Canadian Council for Refugees, Manitoba Status of Women, Manitoba Justice Victim Services, Ma Mawi, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, and others.
“D” Division RCMP continues its efforts to raise awareness among its members about the emerging human trafficking concern and the issue of murdered and missing women in Manitoba. “D” Division's contract and aboriginal policing services, in partnership with the RCMP northwest immigration and passport section and the national human trafficking coordination centre in Ottawa, provide training and awareness tools to our members. Training has been delivered to the Manitoba north, east, and west districts intelligence officers and groups and to our “D” division traffic services, which patrol our highways every day.
In addition to the awareness training workshops, “D” Division training has also incorporated human trafficking awareness and the video I'm not for sale to candidates on a number of courses, including our new member orientation course investigators, drug, basic intelligence, child abuse, investigative interviewing, and traffic services interdiction teams.
I would like to provide you with a brief overview of “D” Division RCMP efforts in addressing and responding to the issue of violence against aboriginal women, including the high-risk missing persons project, Project Disappear, and the Manitoba integrated task force for missing and murdered women.
In 2003 the RCMP and its partners at municipal police services in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta responded to concerns about unsolved homicides and missing persons by establishing the high-risk missing persons project. In Manitoba, “D” Division, the Winnipeg Police Service, and the RCMP participated in this multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional regional effort to identify, collect, collate and evaluate, and analyze all high-risk missing persons and unsolved homicide cases.
“High-risk” in this context is defined as people whose lifestyle, behaviours, or circumstances place them at risk of falling victim to violent crime. The high-risk missing persons project produced a significant number of findings that were well documented and require further investigation and analysis.
Project Disappear was created in 2007 under the purview of the Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police, representing Manitoba's nine police departments, four of which have missing persons files. Managed by the “D” Division historical case unit, the project and website include persons who have been missing for six months or longer.
More than 170 missing persons and unidentified human remains investigations in Manitoba are detailed on this website. The oldest missing person file is from 1939. Project Disappear's ongoing work includes the review of data and provincial standardization of policies, procedures, tools, and approaches.
The Manitoba integrated task force for missing and murdered women was formed in August of 2009. The task force consists of five RCMP members, two of which are RCMP division criminal analysts, and four Winnipeg Police Service members. The mandate is to review all unsolved homicide investigations involving female victims; to review missing person investigations involving women where foul play is suspected; to analyze investigational information to determine what, if any, linkages exist between occurrences; and to determine the appropriate avenues for investigative follow-up.
Located at “D” Division headquarters in Winnipeg, the integrated unit began its work in October 2009 and is currently at the analytical stage of its mandate. This includes collecting and collating information and conducting investigational reviews and forensic reviews for all mandated cases. In addition to actively reviewing all reported cases of missing women, the integrated task force is developing best practices relating to information sharing, file management, file coordination, and disclosure that can be shared with other investigative units or implemented in similar initiatives across the country.
We are committed to providing answers, comfort, and closure to families and loved ones of the victims while respecting and ensuring integrity of the ongoing investigation. Let me assure you that the RCMP investigates and takes seriously all cases of missing and murdered individuals, regardless of sex, ethnicity, background, or lifestyle.
Thank you very much.