There must be a database of female scientists who are here.... People such as Elizabeth Cannon get named to things numerous times. The president of the U of A, Indira Samarasekera, is on quite a number of things. I think it's about getting access to the names. I've been really impressed with the Status of Women priority on women on boards, the initiative that was tabled earlier this year, which has definitely applied trying to find the recommendations.
In all honesty, I think that it's sometimes not a desired goal to not choose women, but just a lack of awareness of who might be available and interested and of the networking. As you start to have opportunities to integrate, to promote, and to showcase the campaigns for where the talented women are, you can see that there are a heck of a lot of them—look around the room—getting their names out there, and it's helping to prepare them for some of the leadership roles.