Good afternoon. My name is Walter Henry, and I'm the male ally coordinator for SAVIS of Halton.
I'm very passionate about my role. I'm not scared to admit that I'm flawed, because I was born into an imperfect world where women and female-identified individuals are still unfortunately seen as “lesser than” by a large number of my male counterparts, given the patriarchal, misogynistic nature of the societies in which we live.
Why is it important to have men as allies in a feminist organization? The truth is that a 2013 Statistics Canada report highlights that men are described as 99% of the perpetrators of sexual violence. As a result, the consensus has emerged that reducing and preventing violence against women requires the participation of men who can model non-violent behaviour and hold their male counterparts accountable. Men identify with other men.
The SAVIS of Halton male ally network program, or MAN program, is modelled after the above premise, where men and individuals identified as male become allies and start the discussion about the taboo topic of sexual violence from as early as age 10. However, given my experience in the field, I am of the fervent opinion that this conversation could be started at a much younger age. Boys are born into a toxic masculine culture that has an indoctrinating grasp and far-reaching impact, given the development of technology, especially in the previous 30 years.
On the impact of toxic masculinity on society, the male ally network of SAVIS of Halton is of the opinion that we must unlearn this toxic masculine ideology, which is one of the ways in which patriarchy is harmful to men. It refers to the socially constructed attitudes that describe the masculine gender role as violent, unemotional, and sexually aggressive.
In many ways, this toxic ideology is learned unknowingly through music, television, social media, family members, language, and peers. This contributes to the cyber-violence, street harassment, misguided understanding of consent, and rape culture faced by women and female-identified individuals daily.
Further, the traditional and modern media hyper-sexualizes the feminine gender and portrays women as weak and only able to be saved by a man. Perfect examples of this include the stories of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Men, however, are portrayed as gods and conquerors with little emotional intelligence and disregard for anyone or anything that represents weakness. We are taught not to cry, to be tough, and not to show weakness. This ideology dominates all spaces where men can be found.
How does MAN engage men? The male ally network understands that most sexual violence cases are perpetrated by men. However, most men are not perpetrators of sexual violence. Further, we admit that society is patriarchal and that men currently possess the most privilege. However, the primary aim of MAN, even before becoming an ally, is having that conversation about our privilege, being honest with ourselves that misogyny exists within our society, and that we are responsible for the way our female and female-identified folks are treated.
MAN's first engagement strategy is to go into male-dominated spaces like gyms, classrooms, community centres, game shops, and prisons to start the conversation about sexual violence and to recruit possible male allies for our network. We have developed partnerships with other male ally organizations, school boards, correctional facilities, colleges and universities, and agencies and businesses in Halton and surrounding communities. Through these connections, we're able to give presentations to male and male-identified individuals from age 10 and above. We participate in community events like Take Back the Night, Hope in High Heels, Sisters in Spirit vigil, Sheridan College frosh week, community fairs, and various networking events within the community. At these events, we have our male ally recruitment booth and distribute our outreach material—for example, stress balls and bumper stickers—and we make our presence known by further displaying the MAN banner.
MAN has an active Internet and social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat through which we advertise our events and recruit volunteers. MAN has developed a 14-hour training session to train our allies. The session covers redefining manhood, boys in solidarity, understanding violence in Canada, Male Allyship 101, be a man, and understanding masculinity. Thus far we have recruited and trained 10 males as allies. We have a further 15 individuals scheduled for training in early December 2016.
We use our maleness as our advantage to reach other men and develop a space where men could feel safe to express their opinions, which we respect. We come from a place where we seek to prevent violence from ever happening and dare to dream of a world without it. We seek to use men and boys as role models to start the conversation with their children, their peers, and within their everyday environment.
We identify strength in weakness and see the importance of exposing men to the stories of survivors of violence and sexual violence. Unlearning our misogynistic beliefs is the key to ending misogyny. Starting the conversation and being an active bystander may change the trajectory of life for many people, because we are all unknowingly intricately connected regardless of gender, cultural background, ethnicity, and socio-economic position.
Speaking of the challenges MAN faces, as a male ally giving a presentation, I always first admit that I am inherently flawed, because I live in a world where misogyny is cultural and embedded into every fabric of society. Therefore, for a male ally the challenges are many. Speaking about sexual violence with men is a taboo topic, and men are very skeptical and sensitive and would want to refrain from even starting the conversation about sexual violence against women and female-identified individuals. Therefore, it is important for men to engage other men and boys and begin that conversation, because many factors play a role in preventing the message from being heard and eventually received.
Some individuals do not agree with the message, for the same reason that the message should be heard: the misogynistic nature of society. In other instances, some individuals do not believe in the preventive ideology of MAN, and therefore subscribe to harsher penalties for sexually violent crimes.
Given recent developments in the world, patriarchy seems to be always winning, because for males there are many examples of individuals who are extremely successful by promoting misogynistic ideals.
Finally, our motivations and commitment are sometimes rightly questioned by females and female-identified individuals. However, through our actions and commitment, we hope to gain the confidence of everyone.
Thank you for allowing me and SAVIS to participate in these important presentations.