First, let me agree with you that Laurentian truly does have a picturesque campus. That is a really important feature of the university.
We have been in conversation with the province continuously for many, many months about the situation that Laurentian is in, how we're progressing now through the CCAA process, and what will be needed, as we come out of the process, to have a university that will be sustainable into the future. Those conversations are happening with great regularity with the province, more than once a week at the present time. We are working with them to develop the package of supports that will help the university be sustainable going forward as it transitions out of the CCAA process.
At the same time, we are doing an audit of space at the university. It is important that we be able to ensure that we have the infrastructure we need to support the students going forward and to support the university going forward. That's the other aspect of it. We must ensure on the one hand that we have the campus and we have the buildings and facilities that will support the educational mandate of the university going forward. At the same time, should we identify some infrastructure that is truly surplus to the university, that is costing money to have at the university and that is not needed, there is a duty to look at how we can realize something from those assets that otherwise would be a cost to the university.
Note that I'm not talking about the lands of the university, necessarily; I'm really focused on physical infrastructure in terms of buildings and structures that might have other purposes that could benefit the university going forward.