Thank you.
I think Marie-Claude and Allison pointed out the fact that it is a multifactor problem and we have to make sure that we....
I think we need to coordinate all of our efforts around that issue, because as Marie-Claude said, one of our biggest challenges in Canada is the jurisdiction aspect. Education is provincial; something can be done at a national level, but then each province has to deal with what they want to do. For example, in Quebec we have an organization, Sport'Aide, and Marie-Claude is working closely with them, but again, who's doing what? In Quebec we still have coaches within our own province and within the same sport who switch schools and keep coaching, even if.... Again, the organization, the college or the school doesn't want to say or cannot say why it released that coach, because of that privacy policy, which makes me sick. I agree with Marie-Claude that we need a way to put those coaches on a blacklist somewhere—that registry—so that they won't go on and keep coaching.
I guess that the challenge is how and who. Maybe Marie-Claude is the answer with her organization, but we need strong leadership. I think one organization that should be involved in that is our FPTSC—the federal-provincial/territorial sport committee—which at least tries to make sure that we have some sort of collaboration among the federal, provincial and territorial levels and that we coordinate our efforts. Maybe that committee should be more involved in that issue.
Again, for me, one of the biggest priorities would definitely be to have that registry, because right now, we see coaches and we know those coaches and we keep seeing them coach. What can we do? That would be my first priority.
I guess Marie-Claude and her team are probably the best ones to make that happen sooner, rather than later.