To start out, G-3 is amending only clause 2. If there are other amendments in other clauses caused by these amendments, those will be brought, from my understanding, through other motions. It doesn't mean differences will remain.
One renumbering that is probably the most helpful is.... G-3 removes proposed subsection 810.03(5) and proposed subsection 810.03(8). Proposed subsection 810.03(5) is about the timeliness of the order, and proposed subsection 810.03(8) is about the submissions. Once those are removed, all the other numbering is affected.
Because of that, each of them changes. Once proposed subsection 810.03(5) is removed, proposed subsection 810.03(6) becomes proposed subsection 810.03(5), and proposed subsection 810.03(7) becomes proposed subsection 810.03(6). Proposed subsection 810.03(8) is removed, which is on page 4. This then means that proposed subsection 810.03(9) becomes proposed subsection 810.03(7), because now there are two subsections that have been removed. It's the same for the others, until proposed subsection 810.03(14), which becomes proposed subsection 810.03(12). That is just within clause 2.
Does that clarify?