It's gotten worse since the changeover from BC Rail to CN. Whether that has something to do with the length of trains, the operating procedures, or the attitudes of the employees, I don't know. But the fact is, it is worse. The neighbours tell me that, and I'm aware of it. And you can hear it, not just in the adjoining neighbourhood, which is a reasonable distance from the shunting yard—it's about half a mile, maybe, or two miles away—but several miles up the hillside.
Rather than costly measures to respond to this, you strongly advise that mediation be used first. Well, this committee had a hearing not long ago, a week or two ago, at which we had both people from Quebec at the table and people from British Columbia coming in by telephone telling us that they had gone the mediation route and it had been unsatisfactory. Particularly, again, in this case with CN--CP does seem to be more responsive, not ideally responsive, but more responsive—the complaints seemed to focus on CN's lack of response in that process. The attitude that was taken was not one of attempting to solve the problem but of stating that this is what they have to do to operate.
I would throw that to you. You can use the remainder of my time to answer, gentlemen.
Mr. Benson, you talked about, in effect, trying to have an overall balance, a—what's the term—holistic approach, I guess, if you want to call it that, to deal with these issues. And you talked about costs going up for railways if you do these things. For the alternate sources, the reality is that when we're starting to deal with the environment or with pollution, all industries are facing increased costs to deal with these things. That's demanded by society now. They don't accept the argument of cost when there's a detrimental effect on quality of life, a significant detrimental effect on quality of life, if it's applied to all the railways equally when they're causing this problem.
Second, the alternative, which would appear to be trucking, has its problems. I can tell you, again, as a municipal politician, a regional district politician, that we had the trucking industry come in and say that what we were imposing, in terms of load limits, in terms of a variety of things, was causing increased costs for them.
So I would leave it to you, gentlemen, to comment.