Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Bon après-midi à tous. Good afternoon, everybody.
I am pleased to have the opportunity to appear before the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure, and Communities for its study of Bill C-6, proposed legislation to amend the Aeronautics Act.
This act establishes the responsibility of the Minister of Transport for civil aeronautical activities and responsibility of the Minister of National Defence for military aeronautical activities. The legislation, which completed second reading in the House on November 7, 2006, contributes to Transport Canada's ongoing commitment to enhancing the safety of the national transportation system.
I'll outline for you today some of the key elements of the legislation, the content of which is very technical in nature.
Canada is one of the safest aviation systems in the world. This enviable record is due in part to the safety regulations that focus on accident prevention. Transport Canada's role is to provide the sound regulatory base on which the system operates. The department has a responsibility to have the tools in place to actively improve upon the safety performance of the industry. The aviation industry is increasingly global, and while globalization creates new opportunities for air transportation users and providers, it also highlights the need for a competitive business environment, for greater harmonization of standards and regulations, and for smarter regulations. To remain competitive globally, the industry must continue to improve its safety performance.
Regulating smarter is a phrase that is often used and involves continually improving regulations, better managing the regulatory process, and recognizing the shared responsibility of governments, citizens, and industry in making the system more effective. The result is less prescriptive regulations that are in line with the rules of other regulatory agencies, both within Canada and internationally, and meaningful consultations with wide reach to both industry and the public. In practical terms, this means regulations that impose rules that are more focused on safety results, with fewer interventions and that are designed, where appropriate, to give industry the flexibility to be innovative in meeting those outcomes.
The changes proposed to the act are reflective of the new strategies being implemented to regulate aviation safety but provide explicit enabling authority for newly evolved safety and regulatory initiatives such as safety management systems, considered an important component of regulating smarter.
Safety management systems will make a safe system even safer, while at the same time strengthening partnerships with industries by clearly setting out roles, authorities, and accountabilities, while ensuring high standards for transportation safety and reflecting the evolving role of government. This bill is the work of leading safety experts and international bodies that have been advocating that greater attention be paid to aviation safety at the human and organizational factors level. This means that problems, hazards, incidents, and accidents are not only reported, but the associated risks are analyzed and appropriate actions taken to prevent their recurrence.
Canada is among the world leaders in this area. Our American counterparts in the Federal Aviation Administration have also recognized the need to dig deeper to change our culture from one of diagnostics to one of prognostics. What this means is that we are moving away from just being reactive following accidents to becoming proactive by anticipating potential problems before they evolve into accidents.
It's important to note that the enabling authority for the safety management system regulations is valid and authorized under the existing act. However, for greater clarification and to provide additional statutory protections, the department is proposing to expand the minister's authority under the act with legislative amendments.
The proposal also includes, amongst others, new regulation-making authorities such as those respecting fatigue management and increased penalties for administrative proceedings and summary convictions. It is important to bring the level of penalties in line with other current legislation, since these penalties were last reviewed over 20 years ago.
Amendments to the Canadian aviation regulations that came into force in June 2005 require aviation organizations to implement safety management systems as part of an approach to improving safety risk management in the aviation sector. This is not self-regulation,and it is not deregulation; it is actually an additional layer of regulation, i.e., more regulation, to enhance the work Transport Canada continues to do through its oversight program. With safety management systems, operators must still comply with all the current regulations and standards, and Transport Canada can, and will, continue to take enforcement action when necessary.
Transport Canada's team of over 800 inspectors works with Canadian air operators, aircraft maintenance organizations, manufacturers, airport operators, and air navigation service providers to maintain the safety of our aviation system. These inspectors are well trained through the department's robust mandatory training program with specified courses and on-the-job training.
In a safety management systems environment, the role of inspectors becomes even more important, in that intervention is at the systems level rather than at the operational level. This means that systems put in place to ensure personnel competency, sound maintenance and engineering, and safe operations will be subject to assessment and validation, and the consequences of systems failures will be more dramatic and will potentially result in suspension of the operating certificates.
This is a clear manifestation of the change in the accountability framework, whereby certificate holders will be required to take ownership of the safety of their operation and become more accountable for their activities. However, the capability of inspectors who intervene at the operational level will continue to exist. In fact, deficiencies discovered at the systems level would warrant intervention at the operational level through audits and inspections. This change of accountability framework does not alter in any way Transport Canada's ultimate responsibility for providing the safety oversight of all certificate holders operating in a national air transportation system.
The bill before you today establishes a legislative framework for a voluntary, non-punitive reporting program under the act, including the appropriate confidentiality and enforcement protections. Transport Canada, with the strong support of most stakeholders, is of the view that the establishment of a voluntary reporting program under the Aeronautics Act will enhance aviation safety. Through the program, the department will have access to aviation information that would not otherwise be accessible. The information will be used to revise regulatory requirements and to develop promotional and educational materials. Individuals and companies will benefit by having access to and receiving additional safety information, including that on best practices and lessons learned.
Consultation has been very important during the development of this legislation, as it is for the development of all aviation regulations. The bill before the committee today is the result of extensive consultations with stakeholders through the Canadian Aviation Regulatory Advisory Council, which began in 2000. The council's prime objective is to assess and recommend potential regulatory changes through cooperative rule-making activities concerning the full range of Transport Canada's civil aviation regulatory mandate.
Stakeholders, including all major organizations and associations, have been involved in this consultation and are generally supportive of the amendments.
I look forward to responding to any questions the committee may have. I'm at your disposal in this regard, as are my officials. Thank you.