On June 20 we appeared before this committee on the number of flight attendants on board aircraft, the so-called “1 in 50” issue. Three weeks later we were sent a letter by Transport Canada indicating that our conduct was unprofessional and that we would have limited access to Transport Canada officials going forward. We raised this letter with the minister, and that ban was shortly thereafter withdrawn, in November. We expect a similarly frosty reception from Transport Canada for appearing today. We did not bring an elected officer with us who works for an airline because we suspect there will be reprisals at the airlines against our elected people who work there because of the testimony we've put forward.
We were actually thinking of blanking out the names of the airlines in our brief to protect our people, but we felt, as Mr. Rubin would say, that this would sort of defeat the purpose of coming in with “blank”. So we've named Air Canada, we've named Transat, we've named actually Calm Air, and we will defend our members there if necessary by all the means we have. We have in the past and we will continue to do so.
In one particular case involving one very vocal critic of SMS at one of the airlines, we had to go to the Canada Industrial Relations Board to preserve her job. Her job is preserved, but she is not here today for that reason, because we don't need any more targeting of our people over this issue.
When you move from the theory, when you move from the castle in the air to the pointy end of the production, which Dax Air and a lot of other people talk about, that's where you have to have people come forward.
And just to raise this aspect, I have gotten many e-mails and brown envelopes from inspectors raising issues and urging me to raise those issues, but they are afraid they will lose their jobs if they come forward. Is this a non-punitive culture, when people can't raise these issues and have them discussed? I think we're far from that.
I look forward to answering further questions on this issue, if there's a need, but I'd like my co-panellists here to also give their views.