Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. We'll be a lot less than ten minutes with the opening remarks.
Again, we do appreciate the opportunity to appear before the standing committee to discuss Bill C-8.
The Coalition of Rail Shippers is comprised of 17 industry associations, and I would like to read who they are. They comprise the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada; the Canadian Canola Growers Association; the Canadian Dehydrators Association, those are the alfalfa producers; the Canadian Wheat Board; the Forest Products Association of Canada; the Grain Growers of Canada; Inland Terminal Association of Canada; Pulse Canada; the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association; the Canadian Fertilizer Institute; the Canadian Industrial Transportation Association; the Mining Association of Canada; the Propane Gas Association of Canada; the Western Canadian Shippers’ Coalition, which also has in their membership the Alberta Forest Products Shippers Association and the Canadian Oilseed Processors Association; the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association; and the Western Grain Elevator Association.
This coalition, as you can see, is very broad, and the member companies of the associations represented in the coalition account for at least 80% of CN and CP's revenues.
The group represents widely varying industries, as you can tell, including agriculture, primary industries, resource processors, manufacturers, and retailers from all parts of the country.
The three witnesses represent all members of the coalition and we will be able to give a variety of perspectives in answer to your questions.
I won't reintroduce my two colleagues, as you did introduce them, Mr. Chairman.
The fundamental problem with railway freight is that the market does not work in a normal competitive manner, and the bargaining power between the CN-CPR dual monopoly and rail shippers is tilted very much in favour of the railways. Bill C-8 and the announced service review begin to redress this imbalance.
This bill has come out of a long process of discussions, negotiations, and ultimately a decision by the minister and his staff to move forward.
Shippers represented by the CRS group are in many different businesses, but at the end of the process this was a package that could address everyone's most significant concerns. This bill is an excellent starting point to achieving balance between shippers and railways, and as such, the members of CRS support the passage of Bill C-8 , as written, as soon as possible.
An important part of the package is the announcement that the government will undertake an independent review of railway service within 30 days of the passage of the bill. The CRS group strongly supports this initiative that will address service problems faced by shippers in industries across the country. The amendments in Bill C-8 will facilitate a climate that will promote more normal commercial dialogue between buyers and sellers in the rail freight market.
We will not repeat the comments made in our submission to this committee. I will just finish by saying that the CRS group urges rapid passage of this important piece of legislation, as written.
We would be pleased to answer any questions the members may have.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.