I'm just the simple airport guy at the end.
The point that I would like to make has been touched upon already. It is that right now there is a time issue concerning both Bill C-42 and the issue about U.S. sovereignty and U.S. demands with respect to what it is going to do with respect to its airspace. I believe Mr. Hasbrouck referred to the non-negotiable demands of the United States. Trying to make that balance between personal privacy and human rights versus the very real commercial economic issues is very difficult, and it sometimes defies legislative timetables.
The issue is whether we are able to have a conversation with the Americans and with others about issues of terrorism, security, and privacy and personal information. I think we have to pursue that. Perhaps a sunset clause may be appropriate.
There is a very real prospect that if you're going to be flying, you are going to be distorting travel routes in order to accommodate something that actually has nothing to do with aviation. In order to get to Mexico, you will have to fly out over the Gulf of St. Lawrence and then down the coast of the United States. That is just not something that's practical or feasible. If you're telling me that this is going to happen in short order, I can tell you that the impact on the industry is going to be considerable, although, at the same time, we as an industry do not make light of the very real concerns that have been raised at this table.
What I'm saying is that there's a conversation that is difficult to have in this timeframe, but we also have to recognize that we are dealing with Americans and with Americans' right to deal with security, whether we agree with it or not. With respect, they're not asking us for our opinion about what they do with the privacy information. That is a conversation we have to push, but I would stress the very real operational concerns that we have with respect to the impact of not following Bill C-42.