We would finalize the design over the next six months. We would start manufacturing by the end of this year. We would work in parallel with a regulatory body to complete the certification so that as this vehicle is getting built and approaching its ready-to-fly point, in parallel we would be approaching our industry partners to set up specific technology demonstrations, delivery of goods to remote communities—to Attawapiskat, for example. Let's go there. Can we take goods in there and land on whatever their backyard looks like? Could you deliver health care services?
Let's prove that this stuff can work. We know there's a large market in the offshore oil industry. All the oil that's being explored in the future is going to be explored in places that are all extremely far offshore. Helicopters are not going to be the solution. So could we do a technology demonstration to demonstrate to the oil industry that we can get out to the rigs safely, transfer passengers and cargo, and return.
Most companies we deal with—mining, oil and gas companies, in particular—see the advantages of this thing. They're very safety conscious in the oil and gas industry, so a successful demonstration of that capability would go a long way.
Beyond that, we're into orders. For that investment, it's guaranteed that manufacturing will be done here in Canada and that Canadian companies would be participating in the support of this global fleet. So in terms of a return on investment, it would be quite large.