Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to move to the “Stronger Ties” report. You referenced it in your report when speaking about recommendations that were made. Page 73 of that report talks about an evaluation tool for safety culture. They use an ICAO scale for the rail companies that moves from one being an only rules-based compliance regime to full implementation of SMS at stage five, and that report ranked the railway companies that it examined on that scale. It also used the same scale to evaluate Transport Canada's performance, one being that Transport Canada would have only a rules-based, inspection for compliance regime all the way to a full implementation of SMS, which would be an audit and monitoring system. They gave a ranking of three, and that was seven years after amendments were brought into implement safety management systems.
Your work points out some deficiencies. Using the same scale, has Transport Canada moved beyond the ranking of three or would you say that after six years since “Stronger Ties”, they may not have moved from that standard?