One of the concerns we raised with the minister and others is the notion of exemptions. In response to questions, it doesn't feel that there's a clear and public way in which exemptions for a moratorium not to apply have been described. The ministerial prerogative for this is very strong, and I would argue too strong, and the broad powers in the bill could be used in future.
Whenever governments design legislation, there's a tendency or a temptation to imagine that only the government that's designing the legislation will be applying the legislation, but of course, as we know when we write laws, various governments will apply them or not. The concern is not so much to try to discredit our good transport minister, who's doing a fine job, but to have this thing airtight. If we intend to have a moratorium, then have the moratorium, and do not allow for exemptions.
The one notion that was brought forward is about any sort of emergency such that we would want to exempt an oil tanker of some large scale beyond 12,500 metric tons. I can imagine no such emergency in which a community would suddenly cry out for a supertanker to come in the middle of the night and save them from anything. It's just not imaginable. It would actually be the opposite that we would worry about.
We want to limit those powers, not just of this minister, of course, but in the way the bill will apply in future.