I don't have the stats immediately in front of me, but if my memory serves me, about 98% of foreign-flagged vessels calling on Canadian ports actually are at the 300-gross-tonne mark or above. From that perspective, the vast majority of foreign-flagged ships would therefore fall into the class of vessel that's being captured.
That said, the issue of the threshold was something that was discussed within the context of the IMO, but also domestically with stakeholders. In the context of the IMO, there are a number of aspects to the way the discussion unfolded, such as whether we should go towards looking at this through the length of a vessel versus the tonnage. In the end, the issue of 300 tonnes was the subject of a conversation around whether or not it should be higher and not lower, as is the case in other conventions. From that perspective, the 300-tonne threshold was something that was negotiated, and it was also something that was consulted upon domestically.