Certainly there was nothing in the report that would work against a five-year period, if that were considered necessary. I think you are absolutely right, sir, in saying that it should come to a committee. Mind you, the members of the Woods committee—and if I may say so, I myself—were fairly familiar with the way Parliament works, although I can't say for sure that in the report you would find the suggestion that it should go first to a standing committee. However, when we talked about Parliament, we were talking, as a first port of call, about a standing committee; I don't think there's any doubt about that.
That would mean that the report I have given you this afternoon would be longer, but we're trying to cut a few corners here.
I can see that a committee could look at this now and ask, what information do we have? Well, we have the Lindal minority report, and so far as we know it has the sanction of the Legion, but maybe not the sanction of the people within the department, because some of them may see their jobs going; I don't know. We certainly are not closing the door on them.
If my nomenclature is wrong, I'm sorry, but what we would have is an ombudsman's office first, which would go through the throes of being exposed, if I can use that word, to the committee system. The committee could then make its report. If the report said yes, and it carried, then presumably we would have all the railroad tracks out for an ombudsman and we'd see where he goes.
There's no magic in the two years, sir. That was just a question of asking how many years we would need. I think the answer was we don't really know, but so that we're not grasping something out of the air, we realized that if it had taken three years for the Woods committee to get to its conclusion, its conclusion would take perhaps another two years, if it's going to work. Who knows?
The whole idea of Canadian veterans' pensions being exposed to an ombudsman is rather new, but once you've said it and have made the decision, then you stand back and ask, what are the results? Is it working or not? It should be clearly understood that after two years we'd look at it. But it's not two years wasted; it's two years to find out that this is not the way to go. I think that's the way we would look at it.