Your information was a lot more encouraging regarding the deployment of soldiers and exactly the kind of training that you give them to be more resilient, as you had mentioned.
You had alluded to this, but I just want to be specific: Is there research going on right now on two things, the first one being to broaden the predictors? Most of the predictors are extraneous, they're external—right?—substance abuse, whether the person was abused earlier in life, that kind of thing. You only mentioned one, a rigid personality as far what's happening existentially in their mind. Is there research going on right now to broaden the base of predictors so that psychiatrists and psychologists can maybe train those social workers in order to dig deeper to determine whether someone is going to react? That's really the nature of it. It's a reaction to the trauma that is non-resilient and becomes, of course, a behavioural problem or a psychological problem. Are you aware of more research going on?
As to the second one, has there been some research to date about sensitizing, or whatever terminology you want to use, but exposing the soldier to the stress that they're going to experience, in order to give them the capability of being more resilient when that comes? I know they do training, war games so to speak, but that's with their own personnel. That's not, as one witnesses said before, seeing a young boy who is nine years old strapped with munitions and actually killing people. That's something that is absolutely obscene in our culture.
So I'll leave those two with you.