As public service employees, we have access to employee assistance programs which enable us to consult health professionals. With such a heavy mandate, we need teamwork in the real sense of the word. We have significant interdisciplinarity in our work. For instance, if a patient's case is particularly difficult, we can discuss it with our colleague, who is in the next office, and who is a psychiatrist and is also seeing the same patient, or we can raise the matter with the social worker who knows the family, etc. Resources in the civilian sector do not have this capacity.
The psychologist in private practice sits in his office, isolated, and also sees many other patients. He may telephone his colleagues, but we know that the physical distance creates a barrier, so that he may not dare to place the call. As a team, we have the advantage of having regular meetings where we can share our ideas about difficult cases and we also give ourselves the right to “vent”, as we say in our jargon. We have the freedom of saying that we find this hard and we may say things that we obviously would not say in front of the patient. The meetings also serve as a safety valve, which is very, very important.
With the increase in the workload, we now have the problem of no longer being able to talk to each other. At Valcartier, for instance, generally speaking anywhere from 25 to 35%, if not more, of the staff are unable to attend our meetings because they are busy training soldiers who are leaving on mission or conducting pre-deployment or post-deployment interviews. This is creating a situation where we are no longer able to catch our breath, and unfortunately, our work is now somewhat similar to that done in the civilian sector.
This situation must not occur. We must ensure that we have a working environment where we can say that people are dedicated to the clinic but that they have time to meet and that this time is sacred. We are not, however, able to do this because we are too busy.
Contrary to the situation in a hospital or in the civilian sector, as health professionals it is part of our job to meet with the soldiers and to prepare them for their mission. Prevention is very important. Part or our job is to meet with them before they leave on a mission and to talk to their spouses to make sure that everything is in order. Part of our job is also to meet with them when they get back. Right now, 2,400 soldiers are getting ready to leave, which is a great many people. If we are to do 75-minute pre-deployment interviews for 2,000 individuals, and on top of that deal with people who are undergoing therapy, it is going to get very difficult to juggle everything and we run the risk of burning out.