Yes. The returned servicemen's associations are strong, although, of course, declining because the population components for returned servicemen are declining. Therefore, the government itself has taken over a lot of the responsibility for work with schools.
It's a very strong element in the Australian curriculum. All school children are taught as part of their regular curriculum under Australian history about the overseas service, about the Anzac Day commemoration, about what Anzac is, the spirit of Anzac Day. There are national competitions every year. It's a very large part of any primary school child's education to learn about this fact.
It's something that I think--although we didn't ever come up with it in a terribly clever way--has worked in a remarkable way, in that the commemoration of returned servicemen, which was falling off in the 1960s because the population was going and the Vietnam War at the time was unpopular.... The commemoration of returned servicemen was really dying. Through this public education program through the schools, a quite astonishing phenomenon occurred, and that was that the young people of Australia took over this idea themselves. Now you find that Anzac Day commemoration, for example, is, as I said earlier, the most important day in the year in Australia, and that's true.
This year I think we had 12,000 young Australians go to Gallipoli. It's a very difficult place to get to. You can't get a train or a plane to Gallipoli. You have to get to Istanbul and go over road. And there's no hotel; they were camping out on the beach.
It's a remarkable achievement, and this is through the effort of public education that we've undertaken over the year.