It has always been an operational requirement of the board to maintain the best balanced complement of board members. By that, we mean a variety of backgrounds, gender, language, as being the most important, and then finally geographical distribution. It is our experience that if you ensure a variety of backgrounds, you ensure an open and complete view or culture installing itself at the board. In other words, yes, you do want lawyers, but you also want military. You also want people who have medical backgrounds, nursing, psychology, and to that I would even add educational as being part of the social sciences sector, if you wish. I think it is also important to have people who have backgrounds in life in general, who have had a long and hardy life experience in any given sector, to be part of the board. So I think it's important to have people from all walks of life in Canadian society, and that includes, of course, the military.
One area where we've had difficulty in finding candidates to join the board is from the field of policing, because as you know, we do the RCMP.
That's what I think is the important thing, having some military, some legal, some health field people, and from the general population.